A musical
project ?

Automatisation de la collecte et de l’envoi des métadatas

d’une oeuvre musicale dans le format du destinataire

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Etre tenu informé ?

Notre solution recueille toutes les informations et données pour une oeuvre musicale auprès de tous les ayants droits.

Nous pouvons enrichir les données tout au long du process.

Enfin, nous automatisons la livraison de ces données dans le format du destinataire (SACEM, SPPF, SCPP, BMat, Yacast, etc…)


What is Folloz used for?

Folloz is a simplification of the collection of information around a piece of music or a song, to then, in a secure way, automate the delivery of data in the format of the recipient structure (Publisher, Producer, SACEM, SPPF/SCPP, ADAMI/SPEDIDAM, BMAT, Yacast, Bridge Audio, Le Sage, ...)

Could I keep my access to the platform?

The use is chargeable, via a subscription. As long as the subscription is paid, access is guaranteed and secure. This can make it possible to archive contracts, request a complete label copy for a work or/and a recording

Can I be in contact with a human interlocutor?

Yes of course. The relationship with our team is made with the client (the structure that pays the subscription), but you can ask your question for more information at contact@folloz.io

For more informations, contact us: